Friday, November 1, 2013

How to make a zine

A zine is a small homemade mini magazine that is made just for fun. There are different subjects of zines. Punk rock fanzines, feminist, DIY, comics, perzine (personal autobiography zine). This is a very fun activity to bring out your creative side.

How to Make the Zine
Mini zine:
Get a regular sheet of white printer paper and fold it hot dog style. Make 4 long creases. Unfold the paper and you should have 8 sections. Now cut the center segment like this:
Cut the middle in half only 2 squares. Then folding the zine. Fold it hot dog style again and open where you had cut inside the zine.

Now fold it like a booklet and now you have the zine done! We'll not quite yet. Now its time to decorate.

A lot of zinesters do is have an old typewriter and type their articles. Then the cut out the paragraphs. Then add a cool design on the page. Then cut and paste the paragraphs onto the page to make it look like a punk zine.
Punk zine:
Punk zines have usually lots of cuss words inside the zine, completely raw and uncensored. Cartoons and comics are sometimes are included in the zine. If you are a good artist then you can draw the cartoons and comics, cut and paste and put in your zine. Some punk zines go out and interview rock bands and type everything out and put it in the zine. It is good to take photos of the rock bands to get the band exposure. Flipside Fanzine was a punk rock zine that had interviews with bands such as Green Day and Beck before they were famous.
Flipside Fanzine issue #78 included the
famous Nirvana, Green Day and Beck interviews.

I have always loved zines since I was in high school. My very first zine I found was Flipside I had found it in an old bookstore in Hollywood. Ever since then I became obsessed with zines. Then in 2006 I checked out books from the library about zines. I began to learn more about them. Then I bought a book called Stolen Sharpie Revolution. That book explains many things about zines (and that book is very rare you would only be able to find it on amazon or ebay). Locally, in Long Beach you may be able to find zines at stores like Fingerprints records or Open bookstore.


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